Early Intervention

1954544896Pointing, grunting, crying, pulling…

They have something to say, and this is how they show you.

Your child is so smart. You just can’t wait to hear what they have to say.

But without communication, the connection suffers.

And there’s so much stress…

Mealtimes are a struggle…

Sleeping is hit or miss…

They’re constantly getting sick…

They’re irritable when they wake up…

Even “simple things” like going to the store are… complicated. Just getting out the door takes forever – and when they’re in the store, they cry for things they want.

People notice and stare.

2070561485And everyone seems to have an opinion.

Some say you’re overreacting.

Family tells you not to worry – that they’ll “grow out of it” like some other kid they know.

But your child’s only speaking about ten words, and people can barely understand half of them. The other three-year-olds are having conversations on the playground.

The goal post feels so far away.

You’re doing the right thing by asking for help.

And it’s never too early.

Your child is growing and developing at the fastest rate they ever will in their life, so time is of the essence!

During this stage, their brain is like a sponge, rapidly absorbing information and acquiring essential skills.

Communication is vital to their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Without proper language development, a child may struggle to express their needs, understand others, and participate in social interactions…

And this all sets the stage for their academic and social progress.

727101553You might be thinking…

“It’s okay… we can wait. They’re probably just being lazy because they know I’ll communicate for them.”

We hear this all the time. But how could this be lazy?

If you were starving and saw your favorite food in the closet, would you stay hungry just because you didn’t feel like asking for it?

If your favorite toy broke, would you just throw it out without trying to fix it just because it’s easier to let it go than ask for a new one?

Of course not…

Lazy is an attempt to make life easier… not harder!

Leave it to the professionals.

  • Well-meaning advice from your mom or friends might not be up-to-date or research-based.
  • Your pediatrician, though knowledgeable, may not have specialized expertise in speech and language development.
  • While seemingly similar, your best friend’s child’s situation could be entirely different from your child’s needs.

1070794313The best course of action…

Play is a child’s full-time job, so we’ll use that to our advantage. Through play, children learn to speak in a natural environment.

We won’t change that. We’ll use play as an opportunity to expand vocabulary and practice skills like turn-taking and making requests.

We’ll stimulate your child’s imagination while learning to combine words, promoting listening comprehension and the ability to follow directions simultaneously.

Your child will learn and improve their speech, but from their point of view, it will be natural and fun!

Just like planting trees…

The best time to start addressing speech and language concerns was yesterday.

Early intervention is key to helping your child thrive and reach their full potential.

  • Don’t go through this journey alone…
  • Don’t wonder if you’re making a mistake…
  • Don’t wait until tomorrow…

We can get started with your free consultation.