Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Give us a call or text!

An initial phone call will help determine what types of testing are required to focus on you or your child’s needs. Testing results will allow us to create a personalized treatment plan designed to target one’s specific needs.

How it works

The Speech Studio offers speech and language therapy in various settings for all age ranges. Schedule a free consultation with us, and we will then match you with the appropriate evaluations and therapists specific to your needs.


The Speech Studio is an out-of-network provider and does not take insurance.

If requested, you will receive a Superbill for the services rendered, which you can submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement. Please note that reimbursement varies depending on your agreements with your insurance provider. We do not get involved in insurance claims.

The number of sessions varies from case-to-case.

Treatment varies greatly across each person and depends on your unique needs and individualized therapy plan. An initial evaluation will help determine the approximate length of care you might need. On average, clients are seen once or twice a week for 30-minute sessions.

Session lengths vary from 30, 45 and 60 minutes with a frequency of 1-3 times a week. On average, many individual sessions are 30-to-45-minute sessions.

Yes. Please inquire about packages.
We provide sessions mainly online. Services are offered based on availability and distance. Travel fees apply.

Treatment (Therapy) Questions

Trust your gut!

If you’re wondering if your child needs speech therapy, it’s a good idea to continue following your instincts and give us a call.

Stop wondering.

A quick and free 15-minute phone conversation can help determine if further testing is best for your child.

get started today!

We want to know all about you!

A comprehensive evaluation will allow us to discuss your areas of need and concerns on a deeper level. This thorough assessment will give us the information needed to design a customized plan of care for you to achieve the best treatment outcomes.

It gives us a baseline!

Recording your current level of functioning adds an enjoyable element to the therapy process, allowing us to witness your progress and gain insights into what methods are effective and which ones may need adjustment.

Telehealth had been used for many years, even before the pandemic!

Online therapy is just as effective as in-person and clients love getting the same results without having to commute.

If you have concerns regarding your child’s age, rest assured that children are often more capable than you might think! For children under the age of four, our teletherapy approach primarily focuses on equipping and empowering you, the caregiver. This is because we aim to enable you to create a language-rich environment for your child and facilitate essential oral motor and feeding experiences when we’re not present. We don’t expect children under four to engage with screens as adults do, as it’s not developmentally appropriate.

As children grow and become more independent, they’ll require less assistance from caregivers, but we still welcome your involvement and support.

Your involvement significantly impacts their progress.

It’s a team approach.

When parents or caregivers actively participate, children have more opportunities to practice their skills and receive consistent support. With only a limited amount of time spent in therapy, you play a crucial role during the remaining hours of the week. We use parent coaching to equip you with the tools to support your child effectively. Your involvement allows you to understand the connections between speaking, feeding, and mouth muscle movements, ultimately providing clarity and addressing your questions and concerns.

We play.

We have fun.

We focus on you and what you need.

We deal with issues as they unfold!

At the start of each session, we begin by discussing how your homework assignments have progressed and whether any new questions or concerns have arisen. Following that, we assess your current skills and goals, practice new skills, and update your homework to ensure it aligns with your progress and needs before our next session.


Humans are designed to breathe through their noses.

When we breathe through our mouth, we often are more prone to getting sick, causing inflammation in our mouth and throat and weak facial muscle tone. There are many results of poor health from mouth breathing that can affect the whole body including jaw pain, facial anomalies, digestive issues, and poor sleep.